Senior Fellow Award Dr. Sandra Griffiths

Dr. Sandra Griffiths, Honoured with AISHE Senior Fellow Award

Dr. Sandra Griffiths

Dr. Sandra Griffiths

Sandra is a Fellow and Accreditor of the Higher Education Academy (UK) and an Honorary Senior Research Fellow, CED.
Her work as Accreditor involves engaging with course review and continuous professional development schemes in many UK universities. Sandra holds a Distinguished Teaching Fellowship Award from the University of Ulster. In 2005 she was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship. She worked at Queen’s University on a project on Teaching for Inclusion in Higher Education. Sandra Griffiths is currently a Higher Education Consultant and Honorary Senior Research Fellow at Queen’s University. She has worked in higher education, community education, further education and women’s education. She worked as a Senior Lecturer in Education and Continuing Education at the University of Ulster and held senior management posts there as Director of Educational Development and earlier as staff development adviser. During this time she set up the University’s first Staff Development Unit.